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The Literacy Plus Program is a nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation that was initiated by the staff of the Hayward Public Library in 1985. It is dedicated to improving the literacy skills of the Hayward community. The early Program focused on illiterate adults, but other services for children have been added, as tutors and staff became available and as other literacy needs have been assessed. Library Director Marilyn Baker-Madsen and Public Services Coordinator Nancy Eager recognized that citizens in the Hayward community had the same literacy limitations as citizens nationwide. So, they began recruiting community volunteers who shared their concern and who were willing to devote their energy and expertise toward developing a volunteer- based literacy tutoring program. This advisory group (later designated the Literacy Plus Council) worked with the library staff in the following areas:
  • Recruiting prospective adult learners who had limited literacy skills.
  • Recruiting and training volunteer tutors who were willing to complete a training program.
  • Recruiting community volunteers to serve on the Literacy Plus Council. This Council would bring ideas and support to the library staff working to set up and administer a literacy program.
  • Developing sources of funding from private donors, county and state agencies.
The Library Director designated the Public Services Coordinator as Program Supervisor. Later, as budget and grant funds became available, a full-time coordinator and other personnel were added to the Literacy Plus staff. Through the work of Council members, the Hayward Literacy Plus Program was granted 501(c)(3) status as a nonprofit organization, allowing it to qualify for grants.